A negative blood type compatibility
A negative blood type compatibility

a negative blood type compatibility

However, they being able to receive blood only from Rh- people. People who do not have the Rh factor classified as Rh-.Being able to donate blood both for people who have the Rh factor and for those who do not have it. And can receive blood from people who are both Rh + and Rh-.However, they can only donate blood to other people who also have Rh +. However, people who have the Rh factor are classified as Rh +. Otherwise, there may be serious complications related to the blood transfusion. And you must also consider that during the transfusion process. The Rh factor corresponds to an antigen present in the red blood cells. They also classified according to the Rh factor in + and. In addition to the classification of blood groups with the ABO system. The table below shows by blood type to whom you can donate blood and from whom you can receive it: Blood TypeĪ +, B +, O +, AB +, A-, B-, O- and AB- (all)īlood type (A, B, AB, O) and compatibility chart What is the Rh Factor? Blood type compatibility chart for donating blood The transfusion must be only performed by incompatible people, because otherwise there may be transfusion reactions, which can lead to complications. On the other hand, type AB people can receive blood from anyone but can only donate blood to people with the same blood type. People with type O blood can donate blood to anyone but can only receive donations from people with the same blood type.

a negative blood type compatibility a negative blood type compatibility

Otherwise, agglutination of red blood cells may occur. It is one of the most common types that contains anti-A and anti-B antibodies. Type O blood: it is known as the universal donor. Type AB blood: it is one of the rarest types and contains antibodies against types A or B.So you can receive blood from people of all blood groups without there being a reaction. And can only receive blood from people of type B or O It is one of the rarest types blood groups. Type B blood: Blood group B reacts to groups A or AB. Type A blood: it is one of the most common types and contains antibodies against type B.Also called anti-B, being able to receive blood only from people of type A or O So, blood can be classified into 4 blood groups according to the ABO system in: Andīlood types are classified according to the presence or absence of agglutinins, also called antibodies or proteins, in the blood plasma. Since the immune reaction that is triggered causes the breakdown of red blood cells (hemolysis). Antibodies have generated that cause what is called an “acute hemolytic transfusion reaction” with serious health consequences. If a transfusion is made between incompatible blood groups, both in group AB0 and in Rh.

A negative blood type compatibility